Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Door Swung Open -- Campaign First Challenge

Morning Everyone,

   This post is in response to the First Campaigner Challenge from the Writers Platform Building Campaign. All I need to do, is write a Short Story / Flash Fiction of 200 words. The first four words must be "The Door Swung Open". 

    Here is my entry:


   The door Swung open making its characteristic CREEEKKK sound, in the night filled with eerie silence.  My ears strained to hear, above the thumping of my  heart for any sign of trouble.

  Tired I am running and running away from the foe I can't see

   "I know, you are here PUSSY!! My PUSSY can't run away from me!! Can she?? Ha HA" came the shrill laughter from voice so deep, so metallic & so metallic that my heart skipped a beat. I didn't see anyone entering from the door!! 

   My senses and body are moaning already, under the strain. I just want to end this.I wan't to recollect my training and track him down!!  I want to wake up, saying this is a bad dream!  Alas, this isn't a dream. 

   Boom Boom Boom

    The paper-thin wooden floor burst into splinters and is getting dyed red.! My heart raced, listening to the rifle. He shot someone, another of those poor souls shot to death, while I am hiding under the bed here! But whom?  Is it me next? 

    Has my end come? Will I have time to say my prayers?  Then, to my relief, he walked away away and the door shut close


Liked it? Don't forget to read responses from other bloggers. You can find links to all the bloggers here:

with warm regards


Theresa Milstein said...

Yikes! Some bad stuff going down here!

Crystal said...

Oooh, chilling! I hope your MC makes it out alive!

Sarah Tokeley said...
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Sarah Tokeley said...

I wanted to email you, but I don't see a contact button. I hope you don't mind me mentioning this, but you would make this piece even better if you checked the tense, you've slipped into present tense from past tense a couple of times.

It's a good, creepy, piece. Full of atmosphere :-)

Alleged Author said...

Way creepy!

bridgetstraub.com said...

super creepy! mine is #72 and I took a much different approach.

MyTricksterGod said...

Well there goes my sleep for tonight.
God I hope I have another pair of underwear somewhere...

Tara said...

Whoa, eerie. Doesn't sound like she'll be safe for long!

Melodie Wright said...

You chose some apt images for your writing. Nice idea!

Anonymous said...

well done.

1000th.monkey said...

I was curious about the, "...recollect my training and track him down" line. makes it sound like the person under the bed has weapons training or something...

(also, there's a spelling error in that sentence :)

Unknown said...

I spent a lot of time hiding under the bed. Makes the heart pound. We're in the same campaign group, but you must have been added later. Sorry I missed you. Will follow now!

David P. King said...

Wow! And pictures to go with it! Wow!

Great job! :)

Jocelyn Rish said...

Lots of creepy action in this one!

Abhishek said...


thanks for your kind words!!

Doreen said...

Love the photo's1 One of my worst nightmares is having to hide under the bed.
Nice job!!

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