Sunday, January 6, 2013

Book Blurb: Saxon Quest: Calamity in the Dark Ages

Morning All,

Today I have, the perfect book for a weekend read. Presenting Saxon Quest: Calamity in the Dark Ages by Colin Powell. Here we go with the book blurb:

A Celtic king dies. He leaves a realm in West Britain without an heir.

The inhabitants of a neighbouring Saxon kingdom see the chance to invade.

This bold undertaking appears straight forward to the invaders...

However, the fixations of intoxicated and audacious men do not always deliver the desired outcome, when up against cold reality.

This gripping novel is based on the real history of Britain back in the Dark Ages of the 6th Century.

Wishing Colin Powell all success
Abhishek Boniapalli


a outra sombra said...

Please if you could, check out my book "A Outra Sombra" (The Other Shadow)....

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