Morning All,
Today I have Karl F. Hollenbach, the author of A Journey to the Four Kingdoms doing an author interview for us. Here we go:
- Tell us about your book in two sentences.
A fantasy for children, 4th grade through 10th grade, primarily 10-14 years old, which follows a Prince Royal from early childhood through emerging adulthood. Emphasizes enduring traits of true friendship, the guidance of companions, teachers and peers and how ultimate strength is found within.
- How did the plot for this book develop?
Watching our two grandsons grow from infants to young children I was amazed at how their personalities developed and the occasional insight they casually evidenced. I was compelled by their offhanded comments to begin thinking of how they would continue into early adulthood.
When did you decide that you must be an author?I don’t recall deciding to become an author. I very definitely remember wanting to write an article for a magazine to which I subscribed. I felt I had something to say and was obliged to share it.
Becoming “an author” was certainly not my goal. Sharing an insight was my goal. After the first article was published, I found myself with another calling, another article that evolved into my first book. “Becoming an author” happened, but entirely because I had multiple instances of a message I wished to share.
- Do you see yourself in any of the characters? Explain briefly.
It is difficult, almost impossible, for any writer not to put something from himself or herself into every character. Sometimes an author purposefully puts more of his experiences, dreams and aspirations into a particular character, inevitably the author “identifies” more with this almost-personification. Every character has something of “me” in them, be it hopes and desires, or fears and dreads.
In A Journey To The Four Kingdoms I imagined myself more as one of the young prince royal’s companions – Charles, the deliberating mantis. Also as Karlus Magnus, one of Pid’s soul-parents, essentially a guide and teacher.
- Any further books or projects in the pipe?
I am currently outlining and researching a new novel, titled Holy Ground. A mystery set in the 1930’s it uses flashbacks to solve what appears to be an impossible situation.
- What’s one piece of advice from you to aspiring writers?
Do not over-emphasize technique and writing skills. Having something to say is as important, if not more important. Develop your message with visualization, concentrated affirmations, and even meditation.
- Your favorite book and why?
Too many to even begin listing. Every year the favorites list gets longer.
- Writers resources, which everyone must have as per you?
Support from family and friends. The difference between good and outstanding may be attributed to education and life-experiences.
Follow your passion, use your intuition to learn what message or messages you need to carry.
- Where can we find you online? How to reach you?
The best way to find me is at Just use the “Contact Us” page. My publisher or the Blog Master will forward any message to me.
I do not move as fast as I used to, so give me several days to reply.
- Quick note about promotional activities planned for the book.
My publisher has a marketing plan developed by the Book Publicist, Astrid Gay, at Books, Authors and Artists.
The highlights are this virtual book tour, a Facebook page and attending the London Book Fair in April. Ms. Gay is knowledgeable and very talented so I am sure she will be coming up with other events.
Wishing Karl Hollenbach all success
Abhishek Boinapalli
The answer to how Mr. Hollenbach became an author was enlightening.
Looks as if his first immediate goal was to share a message. If I read between the lines well, he then was inspired with another message.
Having read a few of Mr. Hollenbach's works; all on Kindle, he does have skill in subtle presentation of topics. He weaves what he really wants to say into an entertaining format. Yet, every time after reading I am haunted by the included "whispers" and subtleties.
His answers reinforce my feeling that his writing is an entertaining vessel carrying something more profound.
Thank you.
A good interview. Questions are some of the best I have seen.
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