Friday, February 10, 2012

Clipix: Much Needed Tool To Organize your life!

Morning Everyone,

   How is life going on? Enjoying? Finding time to surf, chat, talk, laugh and party hard? Hope life goes well for you, me and all by the grace of god. 

   About a week back, SocialSpark introduced me to via a casting call though I didn't get qualified back then. I just wanted to give out a casual try and to my surprise I really love the service now. What is so special about it? Check this video out:

   In simple words, I sign-up for a free account with clipix and a CLIP button to my bookmarks toolbar. What next? Whenever I find something awesome on the web, I can ask the CLIP button to create a specialized book-mark for me, categorize it as per my preferences, organize my life. 

  There arises the first question. When a book-mark tool does all these tasks why to go for Clipix? It is because the average book-marking toolbar / software doesn't have simple interface, can't organize the book-marks properly, can't synchronize the book-marks across your various systems (if you are using Clip - Board Pics different systems for work and home then??), can't share your book-marks with your friends, can't afford to have many book-marks about the shoes you want to shop, about the vacations you dream about and ofcourse the book-mark toolbar can't export your book-marks to twitter / facebook to be shared with your buddies.


   So, I just urge you to sing-up, check the service and see the difference yourself.  I am posting a few ScreenGrabs / PrintScrens of my clip-boards (boards on which my clips are organized).  Do let me know what categories will both of us have in common? Vacations / Shoes / Books to Read / Interesting Articles found on blog / blog hops I signed up for / Party Ideas / ...??


Here is some other information from Clipix:

  • There is an iPhone App (take all your clipboards with you on the go and add new clips by taking photos of things you see)

    • You can create customized clipboards - create as many as you like for any purpose and rearrange them however you want

    • Clipix lets you choose whether you want your clips to be private or if you want to share them with your friends or the whole clipix community.

    • Reclip clips, comment on clips, share them on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

    • Create a clipboard at any time from within the "Clip" panel (Often you’ll see something you want to save that makes you think of a whole new category of things to save.)

    • You will always find new uses for it all the time

Now Now, Get going and check out the site without any further delay here on clipix


with warm regards

Abhishek Boinapalli

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