Hello Everyone,
This post is in response to the Now-Starring-Blog-Fest. This blog-fest is organized by Rapturous Randomocity. Everyone of us have dreamt, at some time or the other, that our WIP would be the next big block buster. The blog-fest derives its concept from this dream and can be explained as follows:- Choose 4-6 of your lead characters.
- Tell a little about each of the characters
- Pick any actor or actress, they’re all at your disposal who would play as your characters
- Tell everyone, why, apart from appearance, this particular performer makes you think they’ll do your baby justice.
I dunno much about actors and movies but still, I am gonna try. My WIP is a military fiction and has hell lot of action. So here is my entry:
Edward Newgate:
A officer from the Indian Army, who goes beyond all odds to save his men. He is willing to question the authority of his commander just to ensure that his men are safe and yet always manages to achieve the objective with extra personal hard-work. I think, I would use Brad-Pitt for this role. Why?? His performance in Troy is cool. He intends to take revenge for his fallen comrade. Cool performance there and that is what I require.
Captain Akshara Shanks:
A kick ass army officer, who intends to quit from army and become a full time author. Joined the army in the foot-steps of her father without choice. Intends to ensure that her brother doesn't end up as army brat like her just because his life is shadowed and measured based on his dad's success @ army. I think, I will use Anegelena Jolie for his role. She is the only action based heroine I know.
This is all for my entry. Four - Six characters?? I am posting about the other characters below, but can't decide upon cast for I see no movies. Ha Ha!!
Sgt. Tony:
Well, I didn't completely develop this character as of yet. All I know is, Tony is very strict and disciplined when it comes to training. Doesn't give a shit about how harse the punishments are. Everyone just loves him for the way he trains and curses him like hell.
Ms. Ammu:
The girl of Edward Newgate. Good at heart, beautiful and true christian. Loves everyone around without reason and has a promising career in pharmacy due to her high intelligence and confidence levels. Probably I can choose some glam doll for this character viz Emma Watson / someone like that!!
with warm regards
Stunning cast, and I'm intrigued by your book!
The Devil’s Song
love it..
well done description.
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