Morning Everyone,
This is post is again in response to the flash fiction challenge of the TerribleMinds. All I need to do is make a story of 1000 words or more based on the photo prompt in their website. Here is my entry
"Man, how many times I got to tell you, Califonia is where all of our town folk must move. Don't you all hear about the Gold Rush?" grumbled Henry to Mary who was busy in her kitchen.
"That's why we need to go. Forty-niners are amasing wealth there. We got to bait them now. We can sell them anything and they all shall be ready to pay. One who has money, is always in need of proper hawker."
"Stop gibbering in front of me. We are a community understand. Speak up in the town hall and get everyone's ass moving."
"As hell. Of all persons, you know that they won't move. They got attached to this land and can never never move out. Our ancestors were nomads and the town folk settled down" fumed an angry Henry
"I know I know, use words of greater purpose. Appeal to thier higher purpose of providing for future generations and my foot. Don't feed me with that shit. I had enuough of it"
"Yeah Yeah!! Strive hard and try to give our kids a better start than what we had. I know it all by-heart. I have been singing the motto all throught-out my life at every social gathering of the town and everyday in the bar."
"God damn you, don't bug me. Cooking is a hard chore. Let me do it in peace. Remember, A dog gains attention by barking. So make some noise to get attention of the town folk"
"Want me to shout and beg on the streets? Is that what I am to do?"
"Fug you man!! Do whatever you got to! Now get the hell out of this place and let me do my cooking in peace"
Henry started, walking his way to the local bar. Well, the local bar is of-course where the town folk assemble.
All that I need is some attention. I need to convince a few men. What on the earth am I gonna do? thought Henry walking!!
"Check out!! Check out!! New candle which gives out lot of light and let me warn, be-careful it can create fire" shouted a Jack, the fifteen year old eccentric who experiments with fireworks.

"Yeah Yeah, come-on man!! Cheapest fare"
"Ha Ha!! Bless you man!!" shouted Henry with the glee of a kid throwing a ten dollar bill at Jack.
"Man, this ain't so cheap!! You owe me more" shouted back Jack, running to the local baking house to buy some food for himself.
And the door of the bar swung open, to everyone's astonishment, a man walked in holding a flare in his hand.
How is my entry? Liked it? Let me know!! Want to read few more entries like this, check them out below:
with warm regards
I love the end, way to get some attention :-)
I like the miner that is not searching gold nuggets, great concept. I did one too check it out if you like.
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