Hello Everyone,
How many of us imagined success?? How many of us wanted to be famous, rich, popular? Who doesn't? I have, with all my heart, I wanted to be a millionaire .. better say billionaire. I imagined I would build mansions for myself, Even now I am seeing how the mansion would look like. Not everyone, really achieves them all. The reasons?
Everyone, knows, we are not working hard to achieve them, not putting efforts, not working consciously with targets in view and hell lot. But we can change, it is possible. I can put efforts right? Yeah, I can.
I was going through the Winner Stands Alone
the other day, a book describing about the world of fame, glamor, success, hardwork and all such. So I want to chalk out a hell lot of goals, put my ambitions on paper with time frame and deadlines. I wanna do it all.
Here is list of all that I am gonna do from now on
- Atleast one hour of exercise per day, principally consisting of jogging or brisk walking
- Maintaining a strict diet regime, in which I don't make a glutton of myself
- Putting 250 words per day on paper, into my WIP
- Posting 5 times a week on blogs
- Reading at least 1000 words per day of any novel got recommendations, let me know
- Work for two hours per day, to improve my qualifications, skill sets and all such for my day job
- Read pledge everyday and if needed modify the same to remind myself of my dreams and the efforts I need to put.
- Shall use a dairy to keep focused on my goals and shall blog about them every now and then.
- Stop wasting time on TV, FB, online, SMS, flirting, ...
Thanks for putting up with me and reading all along. Got any suggestions for me??
with warm regards
I stumbled across your blog from a comment you left somewhere else and I am so glad I did! You sound very motivated and focused, and I think now that you have your goals clearly defined, written down, and declared to the world, you are halfway there! Good luck - I will look forward to keeping track of your progress. And if you have a minute, I hope you will visit my blog, too!
I think you've got a great set of goals here! I wish you a ton of luck with achieving them. Some of those distractions can be so hard to give up, but we really need to if we want to get where we're going, don't we...
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I think the resolve to exercise and the resolve to write at least 250 words per day are probably the best things anyone can do to boost their creativity and set themselves in a healthy writer's frame of mind.
Good wishes to you.
Thanks a lot everyone, bless you for your kind words!!
Yeah, I know it is hard, but I really wanna achieve all those goals!! One day!! I will!!
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